Xylok Documentation
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Initial Installation

If additional assistance is required beyond the instructions listed below, please contact Xylok for help with your particular system.

System Requirements

Before proceeding with the installation, ensure the host system meets the system requirements and has all the “Additional Software” listed on that page installed.

It’s also recommended to test that your container manager is working correctly:

  • For Docker: ensure “sudo docker ps” returns no errors
  • For Podman: ensure “podman ps” returns no errors

Download Installer and License

The latest version of Xylok can always be found on our file portal at https://downloads.xylok.io. For more information, please refer to our Getting Updates help article.

For an initial installation, you’ll also want to grab the current license for your organization from the file portal. Typically this will be in a “License - Org” directory alongside the installer directory.


For some Podman installations, we’ve found that creating the xylok user in advance of installation with a GID and UID of >10,000 can be helpful. To do this, run this as root:

groupadd -r -g 10000 xylok
useradd --create-home --system --shell "`which nologin`" xylok -r -u 10000 -g 10000
  1. Copy the self-extracting installer script to the host machine

  2. Make the installer executable: chmod +x xylok-installer*

  3. Execute it as root from the command line: sudo ./xylok-installer* install

    • The installation will begin. This process will take around 15-20 minutes.
    • A message like “WARNING: errors ignored on restore: XYZ” may appear during initial database setup. This is normal.
  4. If the installer succeeds, it will display the Systemd unit status and a list of the running Xylok services similar to the one below:

    19:33:01 [DBG] CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                                                           COMMAND                  CREATED          STATUS                            PORTS                                                                            NAMES
    19:33:01 [DBG] 9a062c5473d5   registry.gitlab.com/xylok/xylok/complete:master-c6756c-51fb93   "/_xylok/entrypoints…"   10 seconds ago   Up 5 seconds (health: starting)>80/tcp, :::80->80/tcp,>443/tcp, :::443->443/tcp   xylok_main
    19:33:01 [DBG] Removing temporary directory /var/tmp/xylok-installer.JnplVb
  5. Xylok should be available on port 80 and 443 of the host system

If you’re going to be accessing Xylok from system’s other than the host (i.e., over the network), make sure you open the appropriate ports on the host!

Create Initial user

A prompt will appear after installation completes with instructions on how to create the initial admin user. For more information, see Creating Users.

License Server

Open a web browser on a system with access to the host system (this might be the same as the host system, if you have GUI access) and go to https://localhost. Adjust this URL as appropriate for your network. You should be taken to a page similar to this:

License page

Either paste the contents of your license into the License data text box or upload it using the sidebar.

Additional Configuration

Xylok should be functional at this point, but there are additional configuration tweaks which may be beneficial: