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API Overview

Current API documentation is available within your Xylok installation, at /api/v1-docs/. This can be accessed via the user menu → API Documentation.

API UI example

The token for authorization can be found in the same menu, under API Token.


API examples can be found on the Xylok documentation index page, /docs/. The publicly accessible version is at

Use Cases

The current API endpoints are intended for automating scans, where you can fully automate the process of scanning, uploading, and analyzing a machine. In this example, we pretend we want to scan a machine called Zeus. The expected request flow would look roughly like this:

  1. Find the machine ID of the machine you're scanning by host name /api/v1/machine?host_name=zeus. A list of machines is returned from this call, but if you only have one match it'll be the first item in results. So, save results[0].pk as machine_pk
  2. Get script for machine: /api/v1/machine/{machine_pk}/script/. Save resulting task ID as script_task_pk
  3. Wait for task to complete to be done by repeatedly calling /api/v1/tasks/{script_task_pk}/ until the returned JSON shows complete is true.
  4. The final result from checking the task will have a download property with a URL: fetch that URL, which will be the ZIP file containing the script.
  5. Extract ZIP file
  6. Run script inside
  7. Upload results file using /api/v1/upload. An array of task IDs is returned, but for a single result file it should only be one task. Save it as upload_task_pk
  8. Wait for task upload_task_pk to complete using the same process as before
  9. Get most recent machine scans /api/v1/machine/{machine_pk}/scans/?limit=2. An array of scans is returned, save results[0].pk as new_scan_pk and results[1].pk as old_scan_pk
  10. Copy interview answers from old scan to new scan via /api/v1/scans/{old_scan_pk}/copy-answers-to/{new_scan_pk}
  11. Run automatic analysis: /api/v1/scans/{new_scan_pk}/aa/execute/

At that point, the scan is now as analyzed as it can be without human intervention.