Check: ZCIC0041
(in versions v6 r43 through v6 r30)
CICS default logonid(s) must be defined and/or controlled in accordance with the security requirements. (Cat II impact)
CICS is a transaction-processing product that provides programmers with the facilities to develop interactive applications. Improperly defined or controlled CICS userids (i.e., region, default, and terminal users) may provide an exposure and vulnerability within the CICS environment. This could result in the compromise of the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the CICS region, applications, and customer data.
Check Content
Refer to the following report produced by the z/OS Data Collection: - EXAM.RPT(CICSPROC) Refer to the following report produced by the TSS Data Collection and Data Set and Resource Data Collection: - TSSCMDS.RPT(@ACIDS) - SENSITVE.RPT(WHOHOTRA) Refer to the information gathered from the CICS Systems Programmer’s Worksheet filled out from previous vulnerability ZCIC0010. Ensure the following items are in effect for the CICS default ACID (i.e., DFLTUSER=default userid). If all of the following guidance is true, this is not a finding. 1) Not granted the TSS BYPASS privilege. 2) No access to interactive on-line facilities (e.g., TSO) other than CICS. 3) OPTIME parameter is set to 15 minutes. 4) A system's default time for terminal lock-out or session termination may be lengthened to 30 minutes at the discretion of the IAM. The IAM will maintain the documentation for each system with a time-out adjusted beyond the 15-minute recommendation to explain the basis for this decision. 5) Restricted from accessing all data sets and resources with the following exceptions: (a) Non-restricted CICS transactions (e.g., CESF, CESN, ‘good morning’ transaction, etc.). (b) If applicable, resources necessary to operate in an intersystem communication (ISC) environment (i.e., LU6.1, LU6.2, and MRO).
Fix Text
Review all CICS region, default, and end-user userids to ensure they are defined and controlled as required. Ensure the following items are in effect for the CICS default ACID (i.e., DFLTUSER=default userid): 1) Not granted the TSS BYPASS privilege. 2) No access to interactive on-line facilities (e.g., TSO) other than CICS. 3) OPTIME parameter is set to 15 minutes. can be increased up to 30 if justified by the IAM. 4) Restricted from accessing all data sets and resources with the following exceptions: (a) Non-restricted CICS transactions (e.g., CESF, CESN, ‘good morning’ transaction, etc.). (b) If applicable, resources necessary to operate in an intersystem communication (ISC) environment (i.e., LU6.1, LU6.2, and MRO).
Additional Identifiers
Rule ID: SV-7537r3_rule
Vulnerability ID: V-7119
Group Title: ZCIC0041
Expert Comments
Number | Definition |
CCI-000764 |
Uniquely identify and authenticate organizational users and associate that unique identification with processes acting on behalf of those users. |
Number | Title |
IA-2 |
Identification and Authentication (organizational Users) |