Check: CNTR-RM-001730
Rancher Government Solutions Multi-Cluster Manager STIG:
(in versions v2 r1 through v1 r3)
Rancher MCM must prohibit or restrict the use of protocols that transmit unencrypted authentication information or use flawed cryptographic algorithms for transmission. (Cat I impact)
The container platform and its components will adhere to NIST 800-52R2. To ensure that traffic coming through the ingress controller is re-encrypted internally, switch off port 80 on the service object and direct ingress traffic to port 443 over HTTPS.
Check Content
Navigate to Triple Bar Symbol(Global) >> <local cluster>. From the kubectl shell (>_) execute: kubectl get ingress -n cattle-system rancher -o yaml Verify the port number for Rancher is using "443", like the following: spec: rules: - host: http: paths: - backend: service: name: rancher port: number: 443 From the kubectl shell (>_) execute: kubectl get networkpolicies -n cattle-system Verify networkpolicies exist and that they are only allowing traffic to port "444" of the Rancher pods, like the following: NAME POD-SELECTOR AGE rancher-allow-https app=rancher 10h rancher-deny-ingress app=rancher 10h If the ingress output is not using port 443, or there are not network policies in place to only allow traffic to port 444, this is a finding.
Fix Text
Gather the current values of the Rancher deployment by running the following: helm get values -n cattle-system rancher > /tmp/rancher-values.yaml Create another values file to upgrade Rancher's ingress object for HTTPS. Add the following to "/tmp/rancher-ingress-values.yaml": ingress: extraAnnotations: "HTTPS" # If using NGINX ingress "true" # If using Traefik ingress servicePort: 443 If using a different ingress controller than NGINX or Traefik, other annotations may need to be added to ensure the controller knows the Rancher backend is HTTPS. Upgrade Rancher, referencing the two files created: helm upgrade -n cattle-system -f /tmp/rancher-values.yaml -f /tmp/rancher-ingress-values.yaml rancher rancher-stable/rancher --version=CURRENT_RANCHER_VERSION Once Rancher ingress has been updated and it has been verified that Rancher is still accessible, run the following command to create NetworkPolicies that will block all traffic to Rancher with the exception of HTTPS: cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f - kind: NetworkPolicy apiVersion: metadata: name: rancher-allow-https namespace: cattle-system spec: podSelector: matchLabels: app: rancher ingress: - ports: - port: 444 --- apiVersion: kind: NetworkPolicy metadata: name: rancher-deny-ingress namespace: cattle-system spec: podSelector: matchLabels: app: rancher policyTypes: - Ingress EOF
Additional Identifiers
Rule ID: SV-252849r961911_rule
Vulnerability ID: V-252849
Group Title: SRG-APP-000645-CTR-001410
Expert Comments
Number | Definition |
CCI-000382 |
Configure the system to prohibit or restrict the use of organization-defined prohibited or restricted functions, system ports, protocols, software, and/or services. |
Number | Title |
CM-7 |
Least Functionality |