Check: DTAM045
McAfee VirusScan Managed Client:
(in version v4 r10)
The McAfee VirusScan fixed disk and running processes are not configured as required. (Cat II impact)
This parameter ensures that all fixed disks and running processes are scanned for viruses.
Check Content
From the ePO server console, select Systems tab, select the asset to be checked, select Client Tasks tab. From the list of available tasks in the Task Name column, with the assistance of the ePO SA, identify the weekly on demand client scan task. A daily or weekly on demand client scan may also be identified by reviewing the Product Name, Status, and Schedule of each Task Name in the Client Tasks window. In the same row as the on demand client scan task under review ensure that the Product Name column contains VirusScan Enterprise 8.7.0 and in the Status column, ensure that the status is Enabled. Select edit from the Actions column. In the Description tab, ensure that for “Type:” “On Demand Scan (VirusScan Enterprise 8.7.0)” is selected. Select the Configuration tab. Under the Scan Locations tab in Locations to scan: area, ensure that “All fixed drives” and “Running processes” are displayed. Criteria: If “All fixed drives” and “Running processes” are displayed in the configuration for the daily or weekly On Demand Scan, this is not a finding. On the client machine use the Windows Explorer to navigate to the following folder: %SystemDrive%:\Document and Settings\All Users\Application Data\McAfee\Common Framework\Task\. Multiple .ini files will be stored in this folder one for each task defined on the ePO server for this client. The name for each task is identified in the first section of the file under the [Task] section on the TaskName= “” line. Additionally, a TaskType= line in the [General] section of the file is provided to describe the type of scan. In this case TaskType=VSC700_Scan_Task is expected. Information for this check is determined by examining the contents of this file. Criteria: If [ScanItems] szScanItemX=All fixed disks, and [Settings] scScanItemX=Special Memory are present, this is not a finding. : For the values of szScanItemX, the character X represents some integer =>0. Example: szScanItem0=All fixed disks, szScanItem1=Special Memory,
Fix Text
From the ePO server console, select Systems tab, select the asset to be checked, select Client Tasks tab. From the list of available tasks in the Task Name column, with the assistance of the ePO SA, identify the daily or weekly on demand client scan task. In the same row as the on demand client scan task ensure that the Product Name column contains VirusScan Enterprise 8.7.0, in the Status column ensure that the status is Enabled. Select edit from the Actions column. In the Description tab, ensure that for “Type:” “On Demand Scan (VirusScan Enterprise 8.7.0)” is selected. Select the Configuration tab. Under the Scan Locations tab in Locations to scan: area, from the pull down menus, select “All fixed drives” and “Running processes”. Select Save.
Additional Identifiers
Rule ID:
Vulnerability ID: V-6599
Group Title:
Expert Comments
Number | Definition |
CCI-001241 |
Configure malicious code protection mechanisms to perform periodic scans of the system on an organization-defined frequency. |
Number | Title |
SI-3 |
Malicious Code Protection |