Check: DTAM139
McAfee VirusScan 8.8 Local Client STIG:
(in versions v6 r1 through v5 r12)
McAfee VirusScan Access Protection Reports settings must be configured to record scanning activity in a log file. (Cat II impact)
Log management is essential to ensuring computer security records are stored in sufficient detail for an appropriate period of time. Routine log analysis is beneficial for identifying security incidents, policy violations, fraudulent activity, and operational problems. Logs are also useful when performing auditing and forensic analysis, supporting internal investigations, establishing baselines, and identifying operational trends and long-term problems.
Check Content
Note: If DTAM161 "McAfee VirusScan Access Protection Policies must be configured to enable access protection" has been marked as "Not Applicable", this requirement is not applicable. Access the local VirusScan console by clicking Start->All Programs->McAfee->VirusScan Console. Under the Task column, select Access Protection, right-click, and select Properties. Under the Reports tab, locate the "Log File" label. Ensure the "Enable activity logging and accept the default location for the log file or specify a new location" option is selected. Criteria: If the "Enable activity logging and accept the default location for the log file or specify a new location" option is selected, this is not a finding. On the client machine, use the Windows Registry Editor to navigate to the following key: HKLM\Software\McAfee\ (32-bit) HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\McAfee\ (64-bit) SystemCore\VSCore\On Access Scanner\BehaviourBlocking Criteria: If the value of bLogToFile is REG_DWORD = 1, this is not a finding.
Fix Text
Access the local VirusScan console by clicking Start->All Programs->McAfee->VirusScan Console. Under the Task column, select Access Protection, right-click, and select Properties. Under the Reports tab, locate the "Log file" label. Select the "Enable activity logging and accept the default location for the log file or specify a new location" option. Click OK to save.
Additional Identifiers
Rule ID: SV-243413r722578_rule
Vulnerability ID: V-243413
Group Title: SRG-APP-000095
Expert Comments
Number | Definition |
CCI-000130 |
Ensure that audit records contain information that establishes what type of event occurred. |
Number | Title |
AU-3 |
Content of Audit Records |