Check: JUNI-RT-000430
Juniper Router RTR STIG:
(in versions v3 r2 through v1 r1)
The Juniper out-of-band management (OOBM) gateway router must be configured to block any traffic destined to itself that is not sourced from the OOBM network or the NOC. (Cat II impact)
If the gateway router is not a dedicated device for the OOBM network, several safeguards must be implemented for containment of management and production traffic boundaries. It is imperative that hosts from the managed network are not able to access the OOBM gateway router.
Check Content
This requirement is not applicable for the DoDIN Backbone. Review the firewall filter applied to the routers loopback interface to verify that only traffic sourced from the OOBM network or the NOC is allowed to access the router as shown in the example below. interfaces { … … … lo0 { unit 0 { family inet { filter { input PROTECT_RE; } address; } } } } … … … firewall { family inet { filter PROTECT_RE { term RESTRICT_ADDRESS { from { source-address {; except; } } then { syslog; discard; } } term ALLOW_OTHER { then accept; } } } } If the router does not block any traffic destined to itself that is not sourced from the OOBM network or the NOC, this is a finding.
Fix Text
This requirement is not applicable for the DoDIN Backbone. Configure the router to only allow traffic to the Routing Engine from the OOBM network. [edit firewall family inet] set filter PROTECT_RP term RESTRICT_ADDRESS from source-address set filter PROTECT_RP term RESTRICT_ADDRESS from source-address except set filter PROTECT_RP term RESTRICT_ADDRESS then syslog discard set filter PROTECT_RP term ALLOW_OTHER then accept [edit interfaces lo0 unit 0 family inet] set filter input PROTECT_RP
Additional Identifiers
Rule ID: SV-217048r604135_rule
Vulnerability ID: V-217048
Group Title: SRG-NET-000205-RTR-000011
Expert Comments
Number | Definition |
CCI-001097 |
Monitor and control communications at the external managed interfaces to the system and at key managed interfaces within the system. |
Number | Title |
SC-7 |
Boundary Protection |