Check: JUNI-RT-000050
Juniper Router RTR STIG:
(in versions v3 r2 through v1 r1)
The Juniper router must be configured to authenticate all routing protocol messages using NIST-validated FIPS 140-2 message authentication code algorithm. (Cat II impact)
A rogue router could send a fictitious routing update to convince a site's perimeter router to send traffic to an incorrect or even a rogue destination. This diverted traffic could be analyzed to learn confidential information about the site's network or used to disrupt the network's ability to communicate with other networks. This is known as a "traffic attraction attack" and is prevented by configuring neighbor router authentication for routing updates. However, using clear-text authentication provides little benefit since an attacker can intercept traffic and view the authentication key. This would allow the attacker to use the authentication key in an attack. Since MD5 is vulnerable to "birthday" attacks and may be compromised, routing protocol authentication must use FIPS 140-2 validated algorithms and modules to encrypt the authentication key. This requirement applies to all IPv4 and IPv6 protocols that are used to exchange routing or packet forwarding information; this includes all Interior Gateway Protocols (such as OSPF, EIGRP, and IS-IS) and Exterior Gateway Protocols (such as BGP), MPLS-related protocols (such as LDP), and multicast-related protocols.
Check Content
Review the router configuration to verify it is using a NIST-validated FIPS 140-2 message authentication code algorithm to authenticate routing protocol messages. IS-IS Example: security { … … … } authentication-key-chains { key-chain ISIS_KEY { key 1 { secret "$8$W8oXxdji.f5F-VQn"; ## SECRET-DATA start-time "2018-5-1.12:00:00 +0000"; algorithm hmac-sha-1; options isis-enhanced; } key 2 { secret "$8$Q4953nCrlMLX-9A7V"; ## SECRET-DATA start-time "2018-9-1.12:00:00 +0000"; algorithm hmac-sha-1; options isis-enhanced; } key 3 { secret "$8$UeiHmpu1Ehr.PSe"; ## SECRET-DATA start-time "2019-1-1.12:00:00 +0000"; algorithm hmac-sha-1; options isis-enhanced; } } } } protocols { … … … isis { level 1 authentication-key-chain ISIS_KEY; level 2 authentication-key-chain ISIS_KEY; interface ge-0/0/0 { level 1 hello-authentication-key-chain ISIS_KEY; level 2 hello-authentication-key-chain ISIS_KEY; } interface lo0.0; } BGP Example: } security { … … … } authentication-key-chains { key-chain BGP_KEY { key 1 { secret "$8$PTQnhclvMX3687"; ## SECRET-DATA start-time "2018-5-1.12:00:00 +0000"; } key 2 { secret "$8$iq.5OBESyKfTlM"; ## SECRET-DATA start-time "2018-9-1.12:00:00 +0000"; } key 3 { secret "$8$"; ## SECRET-DATA start-time "2019-1-1.12:00:00 +0000"; } } protocols { bgp { group AS_2 { type external; peer-as 2; neighbor { authentication-algorithm hmac-sha-1-96; authentication-key-chain BGP_KEY; } neighbor { authentication-algorithm hmac-sha-1-96; authentication-key-chain BGP_KEY; } } } OSPF Example: IPsec authentication must be used to authenticate OSPF messages with a FIPS 140-2 message authentication code algorithm. Step 1: Verify the authentication algorithm in the IPsec security association as shown in the example below. security { … … … ipsec { security-association IPSEC-SA1 { mode transport; manual { direction bidirectional { protocol ah; spi 256; authentication { algorithm hmac-sha1-96; key ascii-text "$8$u6M6OEcrevL7-YaZUjHmF39B1hP5CuBRle"; ## SECRET-DATA } } } } } Step 2: Verify that an IPsec security association has been configured on the interfaces as shown in the following example: protocols { … … … ospf { area { interface ge-0/0/0 { ipsec-sa IPSEC-SA1; } interface ge-0/1/0 { ipsec-sa IPSEC-SA1; } interface lo0.0; interface ge-0/2/0 { ipsec-sa IPSEC-SA1; } } } ospf3 { area { interface ge-1/2/0 { ipsec-sa IPSEC-SA1; } } } } If a NIST-validated FIPS 140-2 message authentication code algorithm is not being used to authenticate routing protocol messages, this is a finding. Note: Juniper does not support FIPS 140-2 message authentication code algorithm for RIP.
Fix Text
Configure routing protocol authentication to use a NIST-validated FIPS 140-2 message authentication code algorithm. IS-IS Example: [edit security authentication-key-chains] set key-chain ISIS_KEY key 1 options isis-enhanced set key-chain ISIS_KEY key 2 options isis-enhanced set key-chain ISIS_KEY key 3 options isis-enhanced set key-chain ISIS_KEY key 1 start-time 2018-05-01.12:00 algorithm hmac-sha-1 secret xxxxxxxxxxxxx set key-chain ISIS_KEY key 2 start-time 2018-09-01.12:00 algorithm hmac-sha-1 secret xxxxxxxxxxxxx set key-chain ISIS_KEY key 3 start-time 2019-01-01.12:00 algorithm hmac-sha-1 secret xxxxxxxxxxxxx [edit protocols] set isis level 1 authentication-key-chain ISIS_KEY set isis interface ge-0/0/0 level 1 hello-authentication-key-chain ISIS_KEY set isis interface ge-0/0/0 level 2 hello-authentication-key-chain ISIS_KEY BGP Example: [edit security authentication-key-chains] set key-chain BGP_KEY key 1 start-time 2018-05-01.12:00 secret xxxxxxxxxxxxx set key-chain BGP_KEY key 2 start-time 2018-09-01.12:00 secret xxxxxxxxxxxxx set key-chain BGP_KEY key 3 start-time 2019-01-01.12:00 secret xxxxxxxxxxxxx [edit protocols bgp group AS_5] set neighbor authentication-algorithm hmac-sha-1-96 set neighbor authentication-key-chain BGP_KEY set neighbor authentication-algorithm hmac-sha-1-96 set neighbor authentication-key-chain BGP_KEY OSPF Example: Configure IPsec Security Association [edit security ipsec] set security-association IPSEC-SA1 set security-association IPSEC-SA1 mode transport set security-association IPSEC-SA1 manual direction bidirectional set security-association IPSEC-SA1 manual direction bidirectional protocol ah set security-association IPSEC-SA1 manual direction bidirectional spi 256 set security-association IPSEC-SA1 manual direction bidirectional authentication algorithm hmac-sha1-96 key ascii-text 1234567890abcdefghij [edit protocols ospf area] set interface ge-0/0/0 ipsec-sa IPSEC-SA1 set interface ge-0/1/0 ipsec-sa IPSEC-SA1 set interface ge-0/2/0 ipsec-sa IPSEC-SA1 [edit protocols ospf area] set interface ge-1/2/0 ipsec-sa IPSEC-SA1
Additional Identifiers
Rule ID: SV-217015r604135_rule
Vulnerability ID: V-217015
Group Title: SRG-NET-000168-RTR-000078
Expert Comments
Number | Definition |
CCI-000803 |
Implement mechanisms for authentication to a cryptographic module that meet the requirements of applicable laws, Executive Orders, directives, policies, regulations, standards, and guidance for such authentication. |
Number | Title |
IA-7 |
Cryptographic Module Authentication |