Check: ISEC-06-551200
ISEC7 Sphere STIG:
(in version v3 r1)
Stack tracing must be disabled in Apache Tomcat. (Cat II impact)
The default error page shows a full stack trace, which is a disclosure of sensitive information. Removal of unneeded or nonsecure functions, ports, protocols, and services mitigate the risk of unauthorized connection of devices, unauthorized transfer of information, or other exploitation of these resources. The organization must perform a periodic scan/review of the application (as required by CCI-000384) and disable functions, ports, protocols, and services deemed to be unneeded or nonsecure.
Check Content
Verify stack tracing has been disabled in Apache Tomcat. Navigate to the ISEC7 SPHERE installation directory: <Drive>:\Program Files\ISEC7 SPHERE\web\WEB-INF. Open web.xml with Notepad.exe. Scroll to the end of the file. Confirm there are no comment tags <!--" and "--> and the following exists without comment tags: <error-page> <exception-type>java.lang.Exception</exception-type> <location>/exception.jsp</location> </error-page> If stack tracing has not been disabled in Apache Tomcat, this is a finding.
Fix Text
Remove the default error page by updating the web application web.xml file. Navigate to the ISEC7 SPHERE installation directory: <Drive>:\Program Files\ISEC7 SPHERE\web\WEB-INF. Open web.xml with Notepad.exe. Scroll to the end of the file. Remove the comment tags <!--" and "-->. <!-- <error-page> <exception-type>java.lang.Exception</exception-type> <location>/exception.jsp</location> </error-page> --> Save the changes. This will acknowledge to the user that an exception occurred without showing any trace or source information.
Additional Identifiers
Rule ID: SV-224788r1013873_rule
Vulnerability ID: V-224788
Group Title: SRG-APP-000383
Expert Comments
Number | Definition |
CCI-001762 |
Disable or remove organization-defined functions, ports, protocols, software, and services within the system deemed to be unnecessary and/or nonsecure. |
Number | Title |
CM-7(1) |
Periodic Review |