Check: IDNS-7X-000270
Infoblox 7.x DNS STIG:
(in versions v2 r1 through v1 r2)
Infoblox DNS servers must protect the authenticity of communications sessions for zone transfers. (Cat II impact)
DNS is a fundamental network service that is prone to various attacks, such as cache poisoning and man-in-the middle attacks. If communication sessions are not provided appropriate validity protections, such as the employment of DNSSEC, the authenticity of the data cannot be guaranteed.
Check Content
Navigate to Data Management >> DNS >> Zones tab. Review each zone by clicking "Edit" and inspecting the "Name Servers" tab. If the all entries in the "Type" column are configured as "Grid", this check is not applicable. Verify that each zone which contains non-Grid name servers is further verified by inspection of the "Zone Transfers" tab and configuration of TSIG Access Control Entry (ACE). If there is a non-Grid system which utilizes zone transfers but does not have a TSIG key, this is a finding. When complete, click "Cancel" to exit the "Properties" screen.
Fix Text
Navigate to Data Management >> DNS >> Zones tab. Select a zone and click "Edit". Click on "Zone Transfers" tab, and click "Override" for the "Allow Zone Transfers to" section. Use the radio button to select "Set of ACEs" and the "Add" dropdown to configure a TSIG key. It is important to verify that both the Infoblox and other DNS server have the identical TSIG configuration. When complete, click "Save & Close" to save the changes and exit the "Properties" screen. Perform a service restart if necessary. Verify zone transfers are operational after configuration of TSIG.
Additional Identifiers
Rule ID: SV-214174r612370_rule
Vulnerability ID: V-214174
Group Title: SRG-APP-000219-DNS-000028
Expert Comments
Number | Definition |
CCI-001184 |
Protect the authenticity of communications sessions. |
Number | Title |
SC-23 |
Session Authenticity |