Check: DTBC-0050
Google Chrome Current Windows STIG:
(in versions v2 r10 through v1 r16)
The version of Google Chrome running on the system must be a supported version. (Cat II impact)
Google Chrome is being continually updated by the vendor in order to address identified security vulnerabilities. Running an older version of the browser can introduce security vulnerabilities to the system.
Check Content
Universal method: 1. In the omnibox (address bar) type chrome://settings/help 2. Cross-reference the build information displayed with the Google Chrome site to identify, at minimum, the oldest supported build available. As of July 2019, this is 74.x.x. 3. If the installed version of Chrome is not supported by Google, this is a finding.
Fix Text
Install a supported version of Google Chrome.
Additional Identifiers
Rule ID: SV-221584r961683_rule
Vulnerability ID: V-221584
Group Title: SRG-APP-000456
Expert Comments
Number | Definition |
CCI-002605 |
Install security-relevant software updates within an organization-defined time period of the release of the updates. |
Number | Title |
SI-2 |
Flaw Remediation |