Check: GOOG-09-003500
Google Android 9.x STIG:
(in versions v2 r1 through v1 r1)
The Google Android Pie must be configured to disable USB mass storage mode. (Cat II impact)
USB mass storage mode enables the transfer of data and software from one device to another. This software can include malware. When USB mass storage is enabled on a mobile device, it becomes a potential vector for malware and unauthorized data exfiltration. Prohibiting USB mass storage mode mitigates this risk. SFR ID: FMT_SMF_EXT.1.1 #39a
Check Content
Review Google Android device configuration settings to determine if the mobile device has a USB mass storage mode and whether it has been disabled. This validation procedure is performed on both the MDM Administration Console and the Android Pie device. On the MDM console, do the following: 1. Open Device Restrictions. 2. Open Restrictions Settings. 3. Ensure "Disallow usb file transfer" is selected. On the Android Pie device, do the following: 1. Plug in USB cable into Android Pie device and connect to a non-DoD network-managed PC. 2. Go to Settings >> Connected devices >> USB 3. Ensure No data transfer is selected. If the MDM console device policy is not set to disable USB mass storage mode or on the Android Pie device, the device policy is not set to disable USB mass storage mode, this is a finding.
Fix Text
Configure the Google Android device to disable USB mass storage mode. On the MDM console: 1. Open Device Restrictions. 2. Open Restrictions Settings. 3. Select "Disallow usb file transfer".
Additional Identifiers
Rule ID: SV-106435r1_rule
Vulnerability ID: V-97331
Group Title: PP-MDF-301210
Expert Comments
Number | Definition |
CCI-000381 |
Configure the system to provide only organization-defined mission essential capabilities. |
Number | Title |
CM-7 |
Least Functionality |