Check: GOOG-10-001400
Google Android 10.x STIG:
(in versions v2 r1 through v1 r1)
Google Android 10 must be configured to disable Bluetooth or configured via User Based Enforcement (UBE) to allow Bluetooth for only Headset Profile (HSP), HandsFree Profile (HFP), and Serial Port Profile (SPP). (Cat III impact)
Some Bluetooth profiles provide the capability for remote transfer of sensitive DoD data without encryption or otherwise do not meet DoD IT security policies and therefore should be disabled. SFR ID: FMT_SMF_EXT.1.1 #18h
Check Content
Determine if the AO has approved the use of Bluetooth at the site. If the AO has not approved the use of Bluetooth, verify Bluetooth has been disabled: On the MDM console, do the following: 1. Open restrictions Section. 2. Ensure "Disallow Bluetooth" is set. On the Android 10 device, do the following: 1. Go to Settings >> Connected Devices >> Connection Preferences >> Bluetooth. 2. Ensure that it is set to Off and cannot be toggled to On. If the AO has approved the use of Bluetooth, on the Google Android 10 device do the following: 1. Go to Settings >> Connected Devices. 2. Verify only approved Bluetooth connected devices using approved profiles are listed. If the AO has not approved the use of Bluetooth, and Bluetooth use is not disabled via an MDM managed device policy, this is a finding. If the AO has approved the use of Bluetooth, and Bluetooth devices using unauthorized Bluetooth profiles are listed on the device under "Connected devices", this is a finding.
Fix Text
Configure the Google Android device to disable Bluetooth or if the AO has approved the use of Bluetooth (for example, for car hands-free use), train the user to connect to only authorized Bluetooth devices using only HSP, HFP, or SPP Bluetooth capable devices (User Based Enforcement [UBE]). To disable Bluetooth use the following procedure: On the MDM Console: 1. Open restrictions section. 2. Toggle "Disallow Bluetooth" to on. The user training requirement is satisfied in requirement GOOG-10-008700.
Additional Identifiers
Rule ID: SV-237008r852648_rule
Vulnerability ID: V-237008
Group Title: PP-MDF-301110
Expert Comments
Number | Definition |
CCI-000366 |
Implement the security configuration settings. |
CCI-001761 |
Defines the functions, ports, protocols, software, and services within the information system that are to be disabled or removed when deemed unnecessary and/or nonsecure. |