Check: SRG-OS-000051-GPOS-00024
General Purpose Operating System SRG:
(in versions v3 r2 through v1 r6)
The operating system must provide the capability to centrally review and analyze audit records from multiple components within the system. (Cat II impact)
Successful incident response and auditing relies on timely, accurate system information and analysis in order to allow the organization to identify and respond to potential incidents in a proficient manner. If the operating system does not provide the ability to centrally review the operating system logs, forensic analysis is negatively impacted. Segregation of logging data to multiple disparate computer systems is counterproductive and makes log analysis and log event alarming difficult to implement and manage, particularly when the system has multiple logging components writing to different locations or systems. To support the centralized capability, the operating system must be able to provide the information in a format that can be extracted and used, allowing the application performing the centralization of the log records to meet this requirement.
Check Content
Verify the operating system provides the capability to centrally review and analyze audit records from multiple components within the system. If it does not, this is a finding.
Fix Text
Configure the operating system to provide the capability to centrally review and analyze audit records from multiple components within the system.
Additional Identifiers
Rule ID: SV-203613r958428_rule
Vulnerability ID: V-203613
Group Title: SRG-OS-000051
Expert Comments
Number | Definition |
CCI-000154 |
Provide the capability to centrally review and analyze audit records from multiple components within the system. |
Number | Title |
AU-6(4) |
Central Review and Analysis |