Check: SRG-OS-000348-GPOS-00136
General Purpose Operating System SRG:
(in versions v3 r2 through v1 r6)
The operating system must provide an audit reduction capability that supports on-demand audit review and analysis. (Cat III impact)
The ability to perform on-demand audit review and analysis, including after the audit data has been subjected to audit reduction, greatly facilitates the organization's ability to generate incident reports, as needed, to better handle larger-scale or more complex security incidents. Audit reduction is a technique used to reduce the volume of audit records in order to facilitate a manual review. Audit reduction does not alter original audit records. The report generation capability provided by the application must support on-demand (i.e., customizable, ad hoc, and as-needed) reports.
Check Content
Verify the operating system provides an audit reduction capability that supports on-demand audit review and analysis. If it does not, this is a finding.
Fix Text
Configure the operating system to provide an audit reduction capability that supports on-demand audit review and analysis.
Additional Identifiers
Rule ID: SV-203704r958766_rule
Vulnerability ID: V-203704
Group Title: SRG-OS-000348
Expert Comments
Number | Definition |
CCI-001875 |
Provide an audit reduction capability that supports on-demand audit review and analysis. |
Number | Title |
AU-7 |
Audit Reduction and Report Generation |