Check: AIOS-11-003900
Apple iOS 11 STIG:
(in versions v1 r4 through v1 r1)
Apple iOS must not allow backup of managed app data to locally connected systems. (Cat II impact)
Data on mobile devices is protected by numerous mechanisms, including user authentication, access control, and cryptography. When the data is backed up to an external system (either locally connected or cloud-based), many if not all of these mechanisms are no longer present. This leaves the backed up data vulnerable to attack. Disabling backup to external systems mitigates this risk. SFR ID: FMT_SMF_EXT.1.1 #40
Check Content
Review configuration settings to confirm backup in management apps is disabled and iTunes Backup is encrypted. Note: iTunes Backup is implemented by the configuration policy rule "Force encrypted backups", which is included in AIOS-11-011100, and therefore, not included in the procedure below. This check procedure is performed on both the Apple iOS management tool and the Apple iOS device. Note: If an organization has multiple configuration profiles, the check procedure must be performed on the relevant configuration profiles applicable to the scope of the review. In the Apple iOS management tool, verify backing up app data is disabled. Note: If an organization has multiple configuration profiles, the procedure must be performed on the relevant configuration profiles applicable to the scope of the review. On the Apple iOS device: 1. Open the Settings app. 2. Tap "General". 3. Tap "Profiles & Device Management". 4. Tap the Configuration Profile from the Apple iOS management tool containing the restrictions policy. 5. Tap "Apps". 6. Tap managed app. 7. Verify "App data will not be backed up" is listed. Note: Steps 6 and 7 must be performed for each managed app. If backing up app data is not disabled in the Apple iOS management tool or "app data will not be backed up" is not listed for each managed app on the Apple iOS device, this is a finding.
Fix Text
Install a configuration profile to disable backup of managed apps.
Additional Identifiers
Rule ID: SV-93089r1_rule
Vulnerability ID: V-78383
Group Title: PP-MDF-301220
Expert Comments
Number | Definition |
CCI-000097 |
Restrict the use of organization-controlled portable storage devices by authorized individuals on external systems using organization-defined restrictions. |
Number | Title |
AC-20(2) |
Portable Storage Devices |