Check: WN19-AC-000010
Microsoft Windows Server 2019 STIG:
(in versions v3 r3 through v1 r1)
Windows Server 2019 account lockout duration must be configured to 15 minutes or greater. (Cat II impact)
The account lockout feature, when enabled, prevents brute-force password attacks on the system. This parameter specifies the period of time that an account will remain locked after the specified number of failed logon attempts.
Check Content
Verify the effective setting in Local Group Policy Editor. Run "gpedit.msc". Navigate to Local Computer Policy >> Computer Configuration >> Windows Settings >> Security Settings >> Account Policies >> Account Lockout Policy. If the "Account lockout duration" is less than "15" minutes (excluding "0"), this is a finding. For server core installations, run the following command: Secedit /Export /Areas SecurityPolicy /CFG C:\Path\FileName.Txt If "LockoutDuration" is less than "15" (excluding "0") in the file, this is a finding. Configuring this to "0", requiring an administrator to unlock the account, is more restrictive and is not a finding.
Fix Text
Configure the policy value for Computer Configuration >> Windows Settings >> Security Settings >> Account Policies >> Account Lockout Policy >> "Account lockout duration" to "15" minutes or greater. A value of "0" is also acceptable, requiring an administrator to unlock the account.
Additional Identifiers
Rule ID: SV-205795r958736_rule
Vulnerability ID: V-205795
Group Title: SRG-OS-000329-GPOS-00128
Expert Comments
Number | Definition |
CCI-002238 |
Automatically lock the account or node for either an organization-defined time period, until the locked account or node is released by an administrator, or delays the next logon prompt according to the organization-defined delay algorithm when the maximum number of unsuccessful logon attempts is exceeded. |
Number | Title |
AC-7 |
Unsuccessful Logon Attempts |