Check: WN19-SO-000070
Microsoft Windows Server 2019 STIG:
(in versions v3 r3 through v1 r1)
Windows Server 2019 setting Domain member: Digitally encrypt secure channel data (when possible) must be configured to enabled. (Cat II impact)
Requests sent on the secure channel are authenticated, and sensitive information (such as passwords) is encrypted, but not all information is encrypted. If this policy is enabled, outgoing secure channel traffic will be encrypted. Satisfies: SRG-OS-000423-GPOS-00187, SRG-OS-000424-GPOS-00188
Check Content
If the following registry value does not exist or is not configured as specified, this is a finding: Registry Hive: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Registry Path: \SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Netlogon\Parameters\ Value Name: SealSecureChannel Value Type: REG_DWORD Value: 0x00000001 (1)
Fix Text
Configure the policy value for Computer Configuration >> Windows Settings >> Security Settings >> Local Policies >> Security Options >> "Domain member: Digitally encrypt secure channel data (when possible)" to "Enabled".
Additional Identifiers
Rule ID: SV-205822r958908_rule
Vulnerability ID: V-205822
Group Title: SRG-OS-000423-GPOS-00187
Expert Comments
Number | Definition |
CCI-002418 |
Protect the confidentiality and/or integrity of transmitted information. |
CCI-002421 |
Implement cryptographic mechanisms to prevent unauthorized disclosure of information and/or detect changes to information during transmission. |