Check: RHEL-08-020250
(in versions v2 r2 through v1 r13)
RHEL 8 must implement smart card logon for multifactor authentication for access to interactive accounts. (Cat II impact)
Using an authentication device, such as a Common Access Card (CAC) or token that is separate from the information system, ensures that even if the information system is compromised, that compromise will not affect credentials stored on the authentication device. Multifactor solutions that require devices separate from information systems gaining access include, for example, hardware tokens providing time-based or challenge-response authenticators and smart cards such as the U.S. Government Personal Identity Verification card and the DoD CAC. There are various methods of implementing multifactor authentication for RHEL 8. Some methods include a local system multifactor account mapping or joining the system to a domain and utilizing a Red Hat idM server or Microsoft Windows Active Directory server. Any of these methods will require that the client operating system handle the multifactor authentication correctly. Satisfies: SRG-OS-000105-GPOS-00052, SRG-OS-000106-GPOS-00053, SRG-OS-000107-GPOS-00054, SRG-OS-000108-GPOS-00055
Check Content
Verify RHEL 8 uses multifactor authentication for local access to accounts. Note: If the System Administrator demonstrates the use of an approved alternate multifactor authentication method, this requirement is not applicable. Check that the "pam_cert_auth" setting is set to "true" in the "/etc/sssd/sssd.conf" file. Check that the "try_cert_auth" or "require_cert_auth" options are configured in both "/etc/pam.d/system-auth" and "/etc/pam.d/smartcard-auth" files with the following command: $ sudo grep -ir cert_auth /etc/sssd/sssd.conf /etc/sssd/conf.d/*.conf /etc/pam.d/* /etc/sssd/sssd.conf:pam_cert_auth = True /etc/pam.d/smartcard-auth:auth sufficient try_cert_auth /etc/pam.d/system-auth:auth [success=done authinfo_unavail=ignore ignore=ignore default=die] try_cert_auth If "pam_cert_auth" is not set to "true" in "/etc/sssd/sssd.conf", this is a finding. If "" is not set to "try_cert_auth" or "require_cert_auth" in both the "/etc/pam.d/smartcard-auth" and "/etc/pam.d/system-auth" files, this is a finding.
Fix Text
Configure RHEL 8 to use multifactor authentication for local access to accounts. Add or update the "pam_cert_auth" setting in the "/etc/sssd/sssd.conf" file to match the following line: [pam] pam_cert_auth = True Add or update "" with "try_cert_auth" or "require_cert_auth" in the "/etc/pam.d/system-auth" and "/etc/pam.d/smartcard-auth" files based on the following examples: /etc/pam.d/smartcard-auth:auth sufficient try_cert_auth /etc/pam.d/system-auth:auth [success=done authinfo_unavail=ignore ignore=ignore default=die] try_cert_auth The "sssd" service must be restarted for the changes to take effect. To restart the "sssd" service, run the following command: $ sudo systemctl restart sssd.service
Additional Identifiers
Rule ID: SV-230372r1017184_rule
Vulnerability ID: V-230372
Group Title: SRG-OS-000105-GPOS-00052
Expert Comments
Number | Definition |
CCI-000765 |
Implement multifactor authentication for access to privileged accounts. |
Number | Title |
IA-2(1) |
Network Access to Privileged Accounts |