Check: RHEL-08-010200
(in versions v2 r2 through v1 r14)
RHEL 8 must be configured so that all network connections associated with SSH traffic terminate after becoming unresponsive. (Cat II impact)
Terminating an unresponsive SSH session within a short time period reduces the window of opportunity for unauthorized personnel to take control of a management session enabled on the console or console port that has been left unattended. In addition, quickly terminating an idle SSH session will also free up resources committed by the managed network element. Terminating network connections associated with communications sessions includes, for example, deallocating associated TCP/IP address/port pairs at the operating system level and deallocating networking assignments at the application level if multiple application sessions are using a single operating system-level network connection. This does not mean the operating system terminates all sessions or network access; it only ends the unresponsive session and releases the resources associated with that session. RHEL 8 uses /etc/ssh/sshd_config for configurations of OpenSSH. Within the sshd_config, the product of the values of "ClientAliveInterval" and "ClientAliveCountMax" is used to establish the inactivity threshold. The "ClientAliveInterval" is a timeout interval in seconds after which if no data has been received from the client, sshd will send a message through the encrypted channel to request a response from the client. The "ClientAliveCountMax" is the number of client alive messages that may be sent without sshd receiving any messages back from the client. If this threshold is met, sshd will disconnect the client. For more information on these settings and others, refer to the sshd_config man pages. Satisfies: SRG-OS-000163-GPOS-00072, SRG-OS-000126-GPOS-00066, SRG-OS-000279-GPOS-00109
Check Content
Verify the SSH server automatically terminates a user session after the SSH client has become unresponsive. Check that the "ClientAliveCountMax" is set to "1" by performing the following command: $ sudo /usr/sbin/sshd -dd 2>&1 | awk '/filename/ {print $4}' | tr -d '\r' | tr '\n' ' ' | xargs sudo grep -iH '^\s*clientalivecountmax' ClientAliveCountMax 1 If "ClientAliveCountMax" do not exist, is not set to a value of "1" in "/etc/ssh/sshd_config", or is commented out, this is a finding. If conflicting results are returned, this is a finding.
Fix Text
Note: This setting must be applied in conjunction with RHEL-08-010201 to function correctly. Configure the SSH server to terminate a user session automatically after the SSH client has become unresponsive. Modify or append the following lines in the "/etc/ssh/sshd_config" file: ClientAliveCountMax 1 For the changes to take effect, the SSH daemon must be restarted: $ sudo systemctl restart sshd.service
Additional Identifiers
Rule ID: SV-230244r1017062_rule
Vulnerability ID: V-230244
Group Title: SRG-OS-000163-GPOS-00072
Expert Comments
Number | Definition |
CCI-001133 |
Terminate the network connection associated with a communications session at the end of the session or after an organization-defined time period of inactivity. |
Number | Title |
SC-10 |
Network Disconnect |