Microsoft Windows 10 STIG Version Comparison
Microsoft Windows 10 Security Technical Implementation Guide
There are 7 differences between versions v3 r1 (July 24, 2024) (the "left" version) and v3 r3 (Jan. 30, 2025) (the "right" version).
Check WN10-00-000107 was added to the benchmark in the "right" version.
This check's original form is available here.
Text Differences
Copilot in Windows must be disabled for Windows 10.
Check Content
If the following local computer policy is not configured as specified, this is a finding: User Configuration >> Administrative Templates >> Windows Components >> Windows Copilot >> "Turn off Windows Copilot" to "Enabled".
Some features may communicate with the vendor, sending system information or downloading data or components for the feature. Turning off this capability will prevent potentially sensitive information from being sent outside the enterprise and uncontrolled updates to the system.
Configure the policy value for User Configuration >> Administrative Templates >> Windows Components >> Windows Copilot >> "Turn off Windows Copilot" to "Enabled".