Check: WN10-AU-000520
Microsoft Windows 10 STIG:
(in versions v3 r3 through v1 r18)
Windows 10 permissions for the Security event log must prevent access by non-privileged accounts. (Cat II impact)
Maintaining an audit trail of system activity logs can help identify configuration errors, troubleshoot service disruptions, and analyze compromises that have occurred, as well as detect attacks. Audit logs are necessary to provide a trail of evidence in case the system or network is compromised. The Security event log may disclose sensitive information or be susceptible to tampering if proper permissions are not applied.
Check Content
Verify the permissions on the Security event log (Security.evtx). Standard user accounts or groups must not have access. The default permissions listed below satisfy this requirement. Eventlog - Full Control SYSTEM - Full Control Administrators - Full Control The default location is the "%SystemRoot%\SYSTEM32\WINEVT\LOGS" directory. They may have been moved to another folder. If the permissions for these files are not as restrictive as the ACLs listed, this is a finding. NOTE: If "APPLICATION PACKAGE AUTHORITY\ALL APPLICATION PACKAGES" has Special Permissions, this would not be a finding.
Fix Text
Ensure the permissions on the Security event log (Security.evtx) are configured to prevent standard user accounts or groups from having access. The default permissions listed below satisfy this requirement. Eventlog - Full Control SYSTEM - Full Control Administrators - Full Control The default location is the "%SystemRoot%\SYSTEM32\WINEVT\LOGS" directory. If the location of the logs has been changed, when adding Eventlog to the permissions, it must be entered as "NT Service\Eventlog".
Additional Identifiers
Rule ID: SV-220783r958434_rule
Vulnerability ID: V-220783
Group Title: SRG-OS-000057-GPOS-00027
Expert Comments
Number | Definition |
CCI-000162 |
Protect audit information from unauthorized access. |
CCI-000163 |
Protect audit information from unauthorized modification. |
CCI-000164 |
Protect audit information from unauthorized deletion. |
Number | Title |
AU-9 |
Protection of Audit Information |