Check: WN10-UR-000045
Microsoft Windows 10 STIG:
(in versions v3 r3 through v1 r7)
The Create a token object user right must not be assigned to any groups or accounts. (Cat I impact)
Inappropriate granting of user rights can provide system, administrative, and other high level capabilities. The "Create a token object" user right allows a process to create an access token. This could be used to provide elevated rights and compromise a system.
Check Content
Verify the effective setting in Local Group Policy Editor. Run "gpedit.msc". Navigate to Local Computer Policy >> Computer Configuration >> Windows Settings >> Security Settings >> Local Policies >> User Rights Assignment. If any groups or accounts are granted the "Create a token object" user right, this is a finding.
Fix Text
Configure the policy value for Computer Configuration >> Windows Settings >> Security Settings >> Local Policies >> User Rights Assignment >> "Create a token object" to be defined but containing no entries (blank).
Additional Identifiers
Rule ID: SV-220963r958726_rule
Vulnerability ID: V-220963
Group Title: SRG-OS-000324-GPOS-00125
Expert Comments
Number | Definition |
CCI-002235 |
Prevent non-privileged users from executing privileged functions. |
Number | Title |
AC-6(10) |
Prohibit Non-privileged Users from Executing Privileged Functions |