Check: WN10-00-000220
Microsoft Windows 10 STIG:
(in versions v3 r3 through v1 r9)
Bluetooth must be turned off when not in use. (Cat II impact)
If not configured properly, Bluetooth may allow rogue devices to communicate with a system. If a rogue device is paired with a system, there is potential for sensitive information to be compromised.
Check Content
This is NA if the system does not have Bluetooth. Verify the organization has a policy to turn off Bluetooth when not in use and personnel are trained. If it does not, this is a finding.
Fix Text
Turn off Bluetooth radios when not in use. Establish an organizational policy for the use of Bluetooth to include training of personnel.
Additional Identifiers
Rule ID: SV-220735r958478_rule
Vulnerability ID: V-220735
Group Title: SRG-OS-000095-GPOS-00049
Expert Comments
Number | Definition |
CCI-000381 |
Configure the system to provide only organization-defined mission essential capabilities. |
Number | Title |
CM-7 |
Least Functionality |