Check: EX16-ED-000370
Microsoft Exchange 2016 Edge Transport Server STIG:
(in versions v2 r5 through v1 r4)
Exchange nonexistent recipients must not be blocked. (Cat II impact)
Spam originators, in an effort to refine mailing lists, sometimes use a technique where they first create fictitious names and then monitor rejected emails for non-existent recipients. Those not rejected are deemed to exist and are used in future spam mailings. To prevent this disclosure of existing email accounts to spammers, email to nonexistent recipients must not be blocked. Instead, it is recommended that all messages be received, then evaluated and disposed of without enabling the sender to determine existent vs. nonexistent recipients.
Check Content
Note: If third-party anti-spam product is being used, the anti-spam product must be configured to meet the requirement. Open the Exchange Management Shell and enter the following command: Get-RecipientFilterConfig | Select Name, RecipientValidationEnabled If the value of "RecipientValidationEnabled" is not set to "False", this is a finding.
Fix Text
Open the Exchange Management Shell and enter the following command: Set-RecipientFilterConfig -RecipientValidationEnabled $false
Additional Identifiers
Rule ID: SV-221236r879653_rule
Vulnerability ID: V-221236
Group Title: SRG-APP-000261
Expert Comments
Number | Definition |
CCI-001308 |
Automatically update spam protection mechanisms on an organization-defined frequency. |
Number | Title |
SI-8(2) |
Automatic Updates |