Check: DTOO203
Microsoft Office System 2013 STIG:
(in versions v2 r2 through v2 r1)
Legacy format signatures must be enabled. (Cat II impact)
Office applications use the XML-based XMLDSIG format to attach digital signatures to documents, including Office 97-2003 binary documents. XMLDSIG signatures are not recognized by Office 2003 applications or previous versions. If an Office user opens an Excel, PowerPoint, or Word binary document with an XMLDSIG signature attached, the signature will be lost.
Check Content
Verify the policy value for User Configuration >> Administrative Templates >> Microsoft Office 2013 >> Signing "Legacy format signatures" is set to "Enabled". Use the Windows Registry Editor to navigate to the following HKCU\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\15.0\common\signatures If the value 'EnableCreationOfWeakXPSignatures' is REG_DWORD = 1, this is not a finding. Fix Text: Set the policy value for User Configuration >> Administrative Templates >> Microsoft Office 2013 >> Signing "Legacy format signatures" to "Enabled".
Fix Text
Set the policy value for User Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Microsoft Office 2013 -> Signing "Legacy format signatures" to "Enabled".
Additional Identifiers
Rule ID: SV-228520r961863_rule
Vulnerability ID: V-228520
Group Title: SRG-APP-000516
Expert Comments
Number | Definition |
CCI-000366 |
Implement the security configuration settings. |
Number | Title |
CM-6 |
Configuration Settings |