Check: TSS0-ES-000840
(in versions v9 r3 through v7 r1)
The CA-TSS Facility Control Option must specify the sub option of MODE=FAIL. (Cat I impact)
Utilizing a whitelist provides a configuration management method for allowing the execution of only authorized software. Using only authorized software decreases risk by limiting the number of potential vulnerabilities. The organization must identify authorized software programs and permit execution of authorized software. The process used to identify software programs that are authorized to execute on organizational information systems is commonly referred to as whitelisting. Verification of white-listed software occurs prior to execution or at system startup. This requirement applies to operating system programs, functions, and services designed to manage system processes and configurations (e.g., group policies).
Check Content
From the ISPF Command Shell enter: TSS MODIFY(FACILITY(ALL)) If the Facility Control Option does not specifies the sub option of "MODE=FAIL" for all facilities, this is a finding.
Fix Text
Evaluate the impact associated with implementation of the Facility Control Option MODE sub-option. Develop a plan of action to implement the Facility Control Option MODE sub-option setting to "MODE=FAIL" and proceed with the change.
Additional Identifiers
Rule ID: SV-223957r958808_rule
Vulnerability ID: V-223957
Group Title: SRG-OS-000370-GPOS-00155
Expert Comments
Number | Definition |
CCI-001774 |
Employ a deny-all, permit-by-exception policy to allow the execution of authorized software programs on the system. |
Number | Title |
CM-7(5) |
Authorized Software / Whitelisting |