Check: TSS0-OS-000050
(in versions v9 r3 through v7 r1)
IBM z/OS must specify SMF data options to ensure appropriate activation. (Cat II impact)
Without establishing when events occurred, it is impossible to establish, correlate, and investigate the events leading up to an outage or attack. In order to compile an accurate risk assessment and provide forensic analysis, it is essential for security personnel to know when events occurred (date and time). Associating event types with detected events in the operating system audit logs provides a means of investigating an attack; recognizing resource utilization or capacity thresholds; or identifying an improperly configured operating system. Satisfies: SRG-OS-000038-GPOS-00016, SRG-OS-000039-GPOS-00017, SRG-OS-000040-GPOS-00018, SRG-OS-000041-GPOS-00019, SRG-OS-000042-GPOS-00021, SRG-OS-000254-GPOS-00095, SRG-OS-000269-GPOS-00103, SRG-OS-000368-GPOS-00154
Check Content
Refer to IEASYS00 member in SYS1.PARMLIB Concatenation. Determine proper SMFPRMxx member. SUBSYS(STC,EXITS(IEFU29,IEFU83,IEFU84,IEFUJP,IEFUSO), INTERVAL(SMF,SYNC),NODETAIL) If the SMF collection options are specified as stated below with exception of those specified in the above NOTEs, this is not a finding. The settings for several parameters are critical to the collection process: ACTIVE Activates the collection of SMF data. MAXDORM(0500) Specifies the amount of real time that SMF allows data to remain in an SMF buffer before it is written to a recording data set. Value is site defined. SID Specifies the system ID to be recorded in all SMF records. SYS(DETAIL) Controls the level of detail recorded. SYS(INTERVAL) Ensures the periodic recording of data for long running jobs. SYS Specifies the types and sub types of SMF records that are to be collected. SYS(TYPE) indicates that the supplied list is inclusive (i.e., specifies the record types to be collected). Record types not listed are not collected. SYS(NOTYPE) indicates that the supplied list is exclusive (i.e., specifies those record types not to be collected). Record types listed are not collected. The site may use either form of this parameter to specify SMF record type collection. However, at a minimum, all record types are listed.
Fix Text
Ensure that collection options for SMF Data are consistent with options specified below. Review all SMF recording specifications found in SMFPRMxx members. Ensure that SMF recording options used are consistent with those outlined below. The settings for several parameters are critical to the collection process: ACTIVE Activates the collection of SMF data. MAXDORM(mmss) Specifies the amount of real time that SMF allows data to remain in an SMF buffer before it is written to a recording data set. Use the MAXDORM parameter to minimize the amount of data lost because of system failure. This value is site determined and should be carefully configured. SID Specifies the system ID to be recorded in all SMF records. SYS(DETAIL) Controls the level of detail recorded. SYS(INTERVAL) Ensures the periodic recording of data for long running jobs. SYS Specifies the types and sub types of SMF records that are to be collected. SYS(TYPE) indicates that the supplied list is inclusive (i.e., specifies the record types to be collected). Record types not listed are not collected. SYS(NOTYPE) indicates that the supplied list is exclusive (i.e., specifies those record types not to be collected). Record types not listed are not collected. The site may use either form of this parameter to specify SMF record type collection. However, at a minimum all record types are listed.
Additional Identifiers
Rule ID: SV-224001r958414_rule
Vulnerability ID: V-224001
Group Title: SRG-OS-000038-GPOS-00016
Expert Comments
Number | Definition |
CCI-000131 |
Ensure that audit records containing information that establishes when the event occurred. |
CCI-000132 |
Ensure that audit records containing information that establishes where the event occurred. |
CCI-000133 |
Ensure that audit records containing information that establishes the source of the event. |
CCI-000134 |
Ensure that audit records containing information that establishes the outcome of the event. |
CCI-000135 |
Generate audit records containing the organization-defined additional information that is to be included in the audit records. |
CCI-001464 |
Initiates session audits automatically at system start-up. |
CCI-001665 |
Preserve organization-defined system state information in the event of a system failure. |
CCI-001764 |
Prevent program execution in accordance with organization-defined policies, rules of behavior, and/or access agreements regarding software program usage and restrictions; rules authorizing the terms and conditions of software program usage. |