Check: ACF2-IC-000020
(in versions v9 r3 through v8 r6)
IBM Integrated Crypto Service Facility (ICSF) install data sets must be properly protected. (Cat II impact)
IBM Integrated Crypto Service Facility (ICSF) product has the ability to use privileged functions and/or have access to sensitive data. Failure to properly restrict access to their data sets could result in violating the integrity of the base product which could result in compromising the operating system or sensitive data.
Check Content
If the ESM dataset rules for the IBM Integrated Crypto Service Facility (ICSF) install data sets does not restrict UPDATE and/or ALTER access to systems programming personnel this is a finding. If the ESM data set rules for IBM Integrated Crypto Service Facility (ICSF) install data set does not specify that all (i.e., failures and successes) UPDATE and/or ALTER access will be logged this is a finding.
Fix Text
Ensure that update and allocate access to IBM Integrated Crypto Service Facility (ICSF) install data sets is limited to System Programmers only, and all update and allocate access is logged. Read access can be given to Auditors and any other users that have a valid requirement to utilize these data sets. The installing Systems Programmer will identify and document the product data sets and categorize them according to who will have update and alter access and if required that all update and allocate access is logged. He will identify if any additional groups have update access for specific data sets, and once documented he will work with the IAO to see that they are properly restricted to the ACP (Access Control Program) active on the system. Data sets to be protected will be: SYS1.CSF The following commands are provided as a sample for implementing data set controls: $KEY(SYS1) CSF.- UID(syspaudt) R(A) W(L) A(L) E(A) CSF.- UID(tstcaudt) R(A) W(L) A(L) E(A) CSF.- UID(icsfusrs) R(A) E(A)
Additional Identifiers
Rule ID: SV-255933r958472_rule
Vulnerability ID: V-255933
Group Title: SRG-OS-000080-GPOS-00048
Expert Comments
Number | Definition |
CCI-000213 |
Enforce approved authorizations for logical access to information and system resources in accordance with applicable access control policies. |
CCI-002234 |
Log the execution of privileged functions. |