IBM DB2 V10.5 LUW STIG Version Comparison
IBM DB2 V10.5 LUW Security Technical Implementation Guide
There are 6 differences between versions v1 r3 (Oct. 26, 2018) (the "left" version) and v2 r1 (July 26, 2023) (the "right" version).
Check DB2X-00-001100 was removed from the benchmark in the "right" version. The text below reflects the old wording.
This check's original form is available here.
Text Differences
DB2 must provide the capability for authorized users to capture, record, and log all content related to a user session.
Check Content
Find out if the user under investigation is being audited. DB2> SELECT AUDITPOLICYNAME, OBJECTNAME, OBJECTTYPE FROM SYSCAT.AUDITUSE WHERE OBJECTTYPE IN ('i',' ') If no rows are returned, this is a finding. If a row with OBJECTTYPE of ' ' (Database; value is a blank) exists in the output, it is a database level policy. If a row with OBJECTTYPE of 'i' exists in the output, it is a user level policy. For each audit policy returned in the statement above, run the following SQL statement to confirm that all of the categories are part of that policy: DB2> SELECT * FROM SYSCAT.AUDITPOLICIES If there is an audit policy defined at database level with the values for the all the audit category columns set to 'B' (Both) and the value in the ERRORTYPE column set to 'A' (Audit), EXECUTEWITHDATA to 'Y', this is not a finding. If the database policy does not exist or does not cover all categories with ERRORTYPE column set to 'A' (Audit), EXECUTEWITHDATA to 'Y' then check if the appropriate policies are defined for all the required users. If the audit policy is defined on the users under investigation but does not have the values for the all the audit category columns set to 'B' (Both) and the value in the ERRORTYPE column set to 'A' (Audit), EXECUTEWITHDATA to 'Y', then this is finding.
Without the capability to capture, record, and log all content related to a user session, investigations into suspicious user activity would be hampered. Typically, this DBMS capability would be used in conjunction with comparable monitoring of a user's online session, involving other software components such as operating systems, web servers and front-end user applications. The current requirement, however, deals specifically with the DBMS.
Define an audit policy using the CREATE AUDIT POLICY SQL statement: DB2> CREATE AUDIT POLICY <USERCOMPREHENSIVE > CATEGORIES AUDIT STATUS BOTH, CHECKING STATUS BOTH, CONTEXT STATUS BOTH, EXECUTE WITH DATA STATUS BOTH, OBJMAINT STATUS BOTH, SECMAINT STATUS BOTH, SYSADMIN STATUS BOTH, VALIDATE STATUS BOTH ERROR TYPE AUDIT Apply the correct audit policy to either the database as a whole or to the specific user using one of these two statements: DB2> AUDIT DATABASE USING POLICY USERCOMPREHENSIVE Or DB2> AUDIT USER <user name> USING POLICY USERCOMPREHENSIVE Note: This is to audit suspicious user activity. For a targeted session activity use AUDIT USER command after the policy has been created. For a general database level use the AUDIT DATABASE command.