Check: APSC-DV-003290
Application Security and Development STIG:
(in version v6 r2)
If the application contains classified data, a Security Classification Guide must exist containing data elements and their classification. (Cat II impact)
Without a classification guide the marking, storage, and output media of classified material can be inadvertently mixed with unclassified material, leading to its possible loss or compromise.
Check Content
If the application does not process classified information, this check is not applicable. The application may already be covered by a higher level program or other classification guide. If the classification guide is not written specifically to the application, the sensitive application data should be reviewed to determine whether it is contained in the classification guide. DOD 5200.01 Volume 1 identifies requirements for security classification and declassification guides. Security classification guides must provide the following information: Identify specific items, elements, or categories of information to be protected. State the specific classification to be assigned to each item or element of information and, when useful, specify items of information that are unclassified. Provide declassification instructions for each item or element of information, including the applicable exemption category for information exempted from automatic declassification. State a concise reason for classification for each item, element, or category of information that, at a minimum, cites the applicable classification categories in Section 1.5 of E.O. 12958. Identify any special handling caveats that apply to items, elements, or categories of information. Identify, by name or personal identifier and position title, the original classification authority approving the guide and the date of that approval. Provide a point of contact for questions about the guide and suggestions for improvement. For information exempted from automatic declassification because its disclosure would reveal foreign government information or violate a statute, treaty, or international agreement, the security classification guide will identify the government or specify the applicable statute, treaty, or international agreement, as appropriate. If the security classification guide does not exist, or does not contain application data elements and their classification, this is a finding.
Fix Text
Create and maintain a security classification guide.
Additional Identifiers
Rule ID: SV-222664r1051277_rule
Vulnerability ID: V-222664
Group Title: SRG-APP-000516
Expert Comments
Number | Definition |
CCI-003124 |
Obtain or develop administrator documentation for the system, system component, or system service that describes secure configuration of the system, component, or service. |
Number | Title |
SA-5 |
Information System Documentation |