Check: APSC-DV-000850
Application Security and Development STIG:
(in versions v6 r1 through v4 r2)
The application must generate audit records showing starting and ending time for user access to the system. (Cat II impact)
Knowing when a user’s application session began and when it ended is critical information that aids in forensic analysis.
Check Content
Review and monitor the application logs. Initiate a user session and observe if the log includes a time stamp showing the start of the session. Terminate the user session and observe if the log includes a time stamp showing the end of the session. If the start and the end time of the session are not recorded in the logs, this is a finding.
Fix Text
Configure the application or application server to record the start and end time of user session activity.
Additional Identifiers
Rule ID: SV-222464r961830_rule
Vulnerability ID: V-222464
Group Title: SRG-APP-000505
Expert Comments
Number | Definition |
CCI-000172 |
Generate audit records for the event types defined in AU-2 c that include the audit record content defined in AU-3. |
Number | Title |
AU-12 |
Audit Generation |