Check: APSC-DV-000290
Application Security and Development STIG:
(in versions v6 r2 through v6 r1)
Shared/group account credentials must be terminated when members leave the group. (Cat II impact)
If shared/group account credentials are not terminated when individuals leave the group, the user that left the group can still gain access even though they are no longer authorized. A shared/group account credential is a shared form of authentication that allows multiple individuals to access the application using a single account. There may also be instances when specific user actions need to be performed on the information system without unique user identification or authentication. Examples of credentials include passwords and group membership certificates.
Check Content
Review the application documentation and determine if there is a requirement for shared or group accounts. If there is no official requirement for shared or group application accounts, this requirement is Not Applicable. Interview the application representative and identify shared/group accounts. Have the application representative provide their procedures for account management as it pertains to group users. Validate there is a procedure for deleting either member accounts or the entire group account when member leave the group. If there is no process for handling group account credentials, this is a finding.
Fix Text
Create a procedure for deleting either member accounts or the entire group account when members leave the group.
Additional Identifiers
Rule ID: SV-222408r1015683_rule
Vulnerability ID: V-222408
Group Title: SRG-APP-000317
Expert Comments
Number | Definition |
CCI-002142 |
The information system terminates shared/group account credentials when members leave the group. |
CCI-004045 |
Require users to be individually authenticated before granting access to the shared accounts or resources. |
Number | Title |
AC-2(10) |
Shared / Group Account Credential Termination |