Check: APSC-DV-003360
Application Security and Development STIG:
(in versions v6 r2 through v4 r2)
The application must generate audit records when concurrent logons from different workstations occur. (Cat III impact)
When an application provides users with the ability to concurrently logon, an event must be recorded that indicates the user has logged on from different workstations. It is important to ensure that audit logs differentiate between the two sessions. The event data must include the user ID, the workstation information and application session information that provides the details necessary to determine which application session executed what action on the system.
Check Content
Review the application documentation and interview the application administrator to identify where log records are stored. Access log records then log on to the application as a regular user from one workstation. Take note of workstation IP address and confirm the address as the source workstation. Have the application administrator log on to the application from another workstation using the same account. Validate the IP address of the second workstation is recorded in the logs. If the application does not create an audit record when concurrent logons occur from different workstations, this is a finding.
Fix Text
Configure the application to log concurrent logons from different workstations.
Additional Identifiers
Rule ID: SV-222672r961833_rule
Vulnerability ID: V-222672
Group Title: SRG-APP-000506
Expert Comments
Number | Definition |
CCI-000172 |
Generate audit records for the event types defined in AU-2 c that include the audit record content defined in AU-3. |
Number | Title |
AU-12 |
Audit Generation |