Check: APPL-14-001020
Apple macOS 14 (Sonoma) STIG:
(in versions v2 r2 through v1 r1)
The macOS system must be configured to audit all deletions of object attributes. (Cat II impact)
The audit system must be configured to record enforcement actions of attempts to delete file attributes (fd). ***Enforcement actions are the methods or mechanisms used to prevent unauthorized changes to configuration settings. One common and effective enforcement action method is using access restrictions (i.e., denying modifications to a file by applying file permissions). This configuration ensures that audit lists include events in which enforcement actions prevent attempts to delete a file. Without auditing the enforcement of access restrictions, it is difficult to identify attempted attacks, as there is no audit trail available for forensic investigation. Satisfies: SRG-OS-000057-GPOS-00027,SRG-OS-000058-GPOS-00028,SRG-OS-000059-GPOS-00029,SRG-OS-000064-GPOS-00033,SRG-OS-000256-GPOS-00097,SRG-OS-000257-GPOS-00098,SRG-OS-000258-GPOS-00099,SRG-OS-000365-GPOS-00152,SRG-OS-000392-GPOS-00172,SRG-OS-000458-GPOS-00203,SRG-OS-000463-GPOS-00207,SRG-OS-000465-GPOS-00209,SRG-OS-000466-GPOS-00210,SRG-OS-000467-GPOS-00211,SRG-OS-000468-GPOS-00212
Check Content
Verify the macOS system is configured to audit all deletions of object attributes with the following command: /usr/bin/awk -F':' '/^flags/ { print $NF }' /etc/security/audit_control | /usr/bin/tr ',' '\n' | /usr/bin/grep -Ec '\-fd' If the result is not "1", this is a finding.
Fix Text
Configure the macOS system to audit all deletions of object attributes with the following command: /usr/bin/grep -qE "^flags.*-fd" /etc/security/audit_control || /usr/bin/sed -i.bak '/^flags/ s/$/,-fd/' /etc/security/audit_control;/usr/sbin/audit -s
Additional Identifiers
Rule ID: SV-259462r1009585_rule
Vulnerability ID: V-259462
Group Title: SRG-OS-000057-GPOS-00027
Expert Comments
Number | Definition |
CCI-000162 |
Protect audit information from unauthorized access. |
CCI-000163 |
Protect audit information from unauthorized modification. |
CCI-000164 |
Protect audit information from unauthorized deletion. |
CCI-000172 |
Generate audit records for the event types defined in AU-2 c that include the audit record content defined in AU-3. |
CCI-001493 |
Protect audit tools from unauthorized access. |
CCI-001494 |
Protect audit tools from unauthorized modification. |
CCI-001495 |
Protect audit tools from unauthorized deletion. |
CCI-001814 |
The Information system supports auditing of the enforcement actions. |
CCI-002884 |
Log organization-defined audit events for nonlocal maintenance and diagnostic sessions. |
CCI-003938 |
Automatically generate audit records of the enforcement actions. |