Apache Server 2.4 UNIX Site STIG Version Comparison
Apache Server 2.4 UNIX Site Security Technical Implementation Guide
There are 4 differences between versions v2 r3 (Jan. 26, 2023) (the "left" version) and v2 r5 (Jan. 30, 2025) (the "right" version).
Check AS24-U2-000880 was removed from the benchmark in the "right" version. The text below reflects the old wording.
This check's original form is available here.
Text Differences
Cookies exchanged between the Apache web server and the client, such as session cookies, must have cookie properties set to prohibit client-side scripts from reading the cookie data.
Check Content
In a command line, run "httpd -M | grep -i session_cookie_module". Review the "httpd.conf" file. If the "Session" and "SessionCookieName" directives are not present, this is a finding. If "Session" is not "on" and "SessionCookieName" does not contain "httpOnly" and "secure", this is a finding.
A cookie can be read by client-side scripts easily if cookie properties are not set properly. By allowing cookies to be read by the client-side scripts, information such as session identifiers could be compromised and used by an attacker who intercepts the cookie. Setting cookie properties (i.e., HttpOnly property) to disallow client-side scripts from reading cookies better protects the information inside the cookie.
Determine the location of the "HTTPD_ROOT" directory and the "httpd.conf" file: # apachectl -V | egrep -i 'httpd_root|server_config_file' -D HTTPD_ROOT="/etc/httpd" -D SERVER_CONFIG_FILE="conf/httpd.conf" Set "Session" to "on". Ensure the "SessionCookieName" directive includes "httpOnly" and "secure".