NetworkParse Tutorial
is designed to make navigating around a hierarchical network configuration
file as simple as possible.
Example Configuration
All the examples below are based off this configuration:
running_config_contents = """
version 12.4
service nagle
no service pad
service tcp-keepalives-in
hostname Foo
security authentication failure rate 4 log
security passwords min-length 6
interface FastEthernet0/0
ip address
ip access-group ETH0_0_IN in
ip access-group BLACKHOLE out
no ip unreachables
no ip proxy-arp
ip nat inside
ip virtual-reassembly
ip tcp adjust-mss 1452
load-interval 30
speed 100
no keepalive
no cdp log mismatch duplex
hold-queue 100 in
hold-queue 100 out
interface FastEthernet0/1
ip address
no ip unreachables
interface FastEthernet1/0
ip address
no ip unreachables
We call strip()
on the configuration. This isn’t necessary, it just removes the
beginning and ending blank lines.
For Cisco-style network devices, the config text is expected to be the exact output
of show running-config
, show running-config all
, or show startup-config
. The
exact supported commands are documented for each parser in their respective classes.
See Parsing for more information.
Step 1: Import the configuration
The first step in using networkparse
will always be to import the network configuration:
from networkparse import parse
config = parse.ConfigIOS(running_config_contents)
print(config.tree_display(line_number=True, child_count=True))
1: ! (0 children)
2: version 12.4 (0 children)
3: service nagle (0 children)
4: no service pad (0 children)
5: service tcp-keepalives-in (0 children)
6: ! (0 children)
7: hostname Foo (0 children)
8: ! (0 children)
9: boot-start-marker (0 children)
10: boot-end-marker (0 children)
11: ! (0 children)
12: security authentication failure rate 4 log (0 children)
13: security passwords min-length 6 (0 children)
14: ! (0 children)
15: interface FastEthernet0/0 (15 children)
16: ip address (0 children)
17: ip access-group ETH0_0_IN in (0 children)
18: ip access-group BLACKHOLE out (0 children)
19: no ip unreachables (0 children)
20: no ip proxy-arp (0 children)
21: ip nat inside (0 children)
22: ip virtual-reassembly (0 children)
23: ip tcp adjust-mss 1452 (0 children)
24: load-interval 30 (0 children)
25: speed 100 (0 children)
26: full-duplex (0 children)
27: no keepalive (0 children)
28: no cdp log mismatch duplex (0 children)
29: hold-queue 100 in (0 children)
30: hold-queue 100 out (0 children)
31: ! (0 children)
32: interface FastEthernet0/1 (2 children)
33: ip address (0 children)
34: no ip unreachables (0 children)
35: ! (0 children)
36: interface FastEthernet1/0 (3 children)
37: ip address (0 children)
38: no ip unreachables (0 children)
39: shutdown (0 children)
40: ! (0 children)
is a convenience function
for displaying the contents of a config or list of configuration lines. When
building out a series of searches to check a configuration, use
to help with debugging or
show the final lines of interest.
We called tree_display()
with line_number=True
here. For the remainder of the
examples we won’t do this.
Step 2: Simple Searches
Exact Matches
Let’s say we want to ensure this device is running the firmware version we expect.
To do this, we’ll use filter()
to get a
list of all matching configuration lines:
lines = config.filter("version 12.4")
if lines:
print("Version found")
print("Version not found")
version 12.4 (0 children)
Version found
Great! We found the matching line. If we were expecting a newer version of firmware:
lines = config.filter("version 15.0")
if lines:
print("Version found")
print("Version not found")
(empty line list)
Version not found
Regular Expressions
In the previous example, we used a string and searched for an exact match. Now we just want to explore which services are enabled or disabled on the device. There are two approaches here, both of which will produce the same result:
# Allow the string to match any where in the line, rather that requiring
# it to match the entire line
lines = config.filter("service", full_match=False)
# Give a regular expression which allows "anything before this or anything after this"
print("\nRegular expression:")
lines = config.filter(".*service.*")
service nagle (0 children)
no service pad (0 children)
service tcp-keepalives-in (0 children)
Regular expression:
service nagle (0 children)
no service pad (0 children)
service tcp-keepalives-in (0 children)
is using the Python 3 re library under the hood, so any supported regular
expression there may be used with filter()
Step 5: Filtering by Children
Often when looking at interfaces, VLANs, or ACLs you’ll need to find only those items
that are configured a certain way. You could do this the manual way, using a pattern similar
to what was shown in Accessing Parents, but networkparse
also offers
If we wanted to find any interfaces that are shutdown:
interfaces = config.filter("interface .+").filter_with_child("shutdown")
interface FastEthernet1/0 (3 children)
ip address (0 children)
no ip unreachables (0 children)
shutdown (0 children)
In a single line, we do two steps:
Find all interfaces
From that list of config lines, remove any that don’t have “shutdown” as a child
Because filter()
’s (and
’s) default to requiring
a full line match, our search won’t accidentally match “no shutdown” lines as well.
Step 6: Parsing Lines
In many auditing situations you need to check configuration parameters against an
“acceptable” value. For example, let’s say we need to verify the authentication
failure rate is less than 5. For this, networkparse
usage relies on
standard Python string functions like split()
. In more advanced cases,
using the re module with match groups.
First, a verbose version:
# Find our line
auth_line = config.filter(r"security authentication failure rate .*").one()
print(f"Line: {auth_line}")
# Break the line up at each space
parts = auth_line.split()
# Get the number as text and convert it to a number so we can comparse
rate = int(parts[4])
print(f"Rate: {rate}")
if rate < 5:
print("Rate is correct")
print("Rate is too high")
Line: security authentication failure rate 4 log
['security', 'authentication', 'failure', 'rate', '4', 'log']
Rate: 4
Rate is correct
In the real world, you’ll likely be more succinct:
auth_line = config.filter(r"security authentication failure rate .*").one()
rate = int(auth_line.split()[4])
if rate < 5:
print("Rate is correct")
print("Rate is too high")
Rate is correct
Next Steps
The API documentation displays all the functionality available in networkparse
, including
methods not covered here and more arguments available on