Running govulncheck Scanning your code and 159 packages across 8 dependent modules for known vulnerabilities... No vulnerabilities found. Running golangci-lint with the following configuration: golangci-lint has version 1.56.2 built with go1.22.0 from 58a724a0 on 2024-02-15T18:01:51Z output: format: tab #format: line-number sort-results: true show-stats: true issues: max-issues-per-linter: 0 max-same-issues: 0 #fix: true linters: enable: - exhaustive - gocheckcompilerdirectives - gochecknoinits - gocognit - gocyclo - godox - gomoddirectives - gomodguard - loggercheck - misspell - nilnil - nlreturn - noctx - nolintlint - nosprintfhostport - reassign - rowserrcheck - sloglint - whitespace - gosec linters-settings: gosec: severity: low confidence: low config: global: audit: true Lint output (no output indicates no issues were found): End of lint output